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Our Meetings

400 S Sunshine St, Branson, MO 65616

  • We meet at the First Baptist Church in Branson the second Tuesday of each month, September to May, from 6:00-8:30pm.

  • Everyone checks in when they first arrive so we recommend arriving by 5:45pm.

  • At your first meeting you will be placed in a small group. This table of ladies will be your group within our larger group (80-100 women each month) for the MomCo "year" (September-May). You will sit at this same table each meeting.

  • We offer childcare! Feel free to bring all of your littles! We do not have an age cap on our rooms so ALL ages are allowed! Please make sure your children eat dinner before they arrive. They will be offered a light snack, but not dinner. You can read more about childcare on our KidsCo page.

  • The moms will begin each meeting by sharing a potluck dinner together. The small groups take turns throughout the year bringing food. Definitely do not worry about bringing anything for your first meeting! Come hungry!!!

  • During the meeting we will build community, watch a MomCo video, play a game, and and other seasonal activities.

  • Learn about group membership on our Register page.

The Branson MomCo, Inc.

(417) 414 - 0142

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